Muntenegru - Podgorica : BEI - Servicii de consultanță în domeniul feroviar
Data licitatiei 14.11.2019
Valoare estimata : 0
Tip anunt:
ID: 4256512
Data publicarii :
Descriere scurta:
Muntenegru - Podgorica : BEI - Servicii de consultanță în domeniul feroviar
Coduri CPV:
71356200-0 - Servicii de asistenţă tehnică
Textul licitației
tion of approximately 10 Tunnels on the VrbnicaBar railway line in Montenegro’. The initial list of tunnels, subject to changes, is as follows:Tunnel 150 km 300+266,68;Tunnel 153 km 309+863,82;Tunnel 155 km 311+968,03;Tunnel 168 km 329+152,48;Tunnel 210 km 368+765,57;Tunnel 211 km 369+090,57;Tunnel 215 km 370+882,30;Tunnel 218 km 372+351,60;Tunnel 242 km 391+617,41;Tunnel 247 km 395+248,53;Remuneration under the contract shall be time/input based. The contracting authority may, at its own discretion and subject to the availability of funding, change the scope and duration of the services to cover actual number of tunnels or to accommodate unforeseeable delays. Such extension/reduction shall be up to a maximum not exceeding 30 % of the value of the initial contract. Any extension of the contract would be subject to satisfactory performance by the consultant.The assignment is expected to start in Q2 2020. The approximate value of the works is: 12 000 000 EUR. The approximate number of key/non key staff months is 225. The expected implementation period for works contract as well as the respective FIDIC engineer services is: 24 months, for execution of the works (Works), plus 12 months of Defects notification period (DNP), counted from the intended