Data licitatiei 07.10.2014


Moldova-Chişinău: BERD - Proiect de reînnoire a flotei feroviare din Moldova
Data licitatiei 07.10.2014
Valoare estimata : 0 Tip anunt: UE ID: 895221 Data publicarii : 06.10.2014 Tara/Judet:
Descriere scurta:

Moldova-Chişinău: BERD - Proiect de reînnoire a flotei feroviare din Moldova

Coduri CPV:

34611000-3 - Locomotive
45234100-7 - Lucrări de construcţii de căi ferate
48810000-9 - Sisteme de informare
71311000-1 - Servicii de consultanţă în domeniul lucrărilor publice

Textul licitației

investments in rail infrastructure rehabilitation. The proposed project, which has a total estimated cost of about EUR 116.5 million, will require the procurement of the following goods, works and services:• acquisition of around ten new multi-purpose locomotives and provision of related depot facilities;• conducting necessary rail infrastructure rehabilitation works (mainly replacement of track and ballast) within the existing corridors, to be confirmed at a later stage;• introduction of energy management information system;• consultancy services for the supervision of the above rehabilitation works• consultancy services for a feasibility study to identify priority infrastructure investments.Tendering for the locomotives is expected to begin in April 2015.Tendering for the energy management system contracts is expected to begin in the second quarter of 2015.Tendering for the rail infrastructure rehabilitation is expected to begin in the first quarter of 2017.Contracts to be financed with the proceeds of a loan from the Bank will be subject to the Bank\'s Procurement Policies and Rules and will be open to firms from any country. The proceeds

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