Data licitatiei 14.02.2025

au mai rămas 34 zile

Macedonia - Skopje: Elements for water supply network rehabilitation (adapter flanges, adapter couplings, adapter flanges for polyethylene, adapter couplings for polyethylene, adapter flanges with fixers, adapter couplings with fixers, two-piece repair couplings, repair rings for muffs, adapter flanges with gripping clamps, adapter couplings with gripping clamps, adapter flanges with easily replaceable grippers, adap
Data licitatiei 14.02.2025
au mai rămas 34 zile
Valoare estimata : 0 Tip anunt: UE ID: 9124382 Data publicarii : 30.12.2024 Tara/Judet: MA
Descriere scurta:

Macedonia - Skopje: Elements for water supply network rehabilitation (adapter flanges, adapter couplings, adapter flanges for polyethylene, adapter couplings for polyethylene, adapter flanges with fixers, adapter couplings with fixers, two-piece repair couplings, repair rings for muffs, adapter flanges with gripping clamps, adapter couplings with gripping clamps, adapter flanges with easily replaceable grippers, adap

Coduri CPV:

44163210-5 - Coliere de strângere pentru ţevi

Textul licitației

ivități din sectorul apei2. Procedură2.1. ProcedurăTitlu: Elements for water supply network rehabilitation (adapter flanges, adapter couplings, adapter flanges for polyethylene, adapter couplings for polyethylene, adapter flanges with fixers, adapter couplings with fixers, two-piece repair couplings, repair rings for muffs, adapter flanges with gripping clamps, adapter couplings with gripping clamps, adapter flanges with easily replaceable grippers, adapDescriere: Elements for water supply network rehabilitation (adapter flanges, adapter couplings, adapter flanges for polyethylene, adapter couplings for polyethylene, adapter flanges with fixers, adapter couplings with fixers, two-piece repair couplings, repair rings for muffs, adapter flanges with gripping clamps, adapter couplings with gripping clamps, adapter flanges with easily replaceable grippers, adapter couplings with easily replaceable grippers) – according to specification listsIdentificatorul procedurii: d5640614-1410-40d5-a336-edfa860e768cIdentificator intern: 22387/2024Tip de procedură: DeschisăProcedura este accelerată: nu2.1.1. ScopNatura contractului: BunuriClasificarea principală (cpv): 44163210 Coliere de

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