Data licitatiei 30.07.2024


Luxembourg: Actuarial Calculations of Social Benefits of Personnel of EU Institutions
Data licitatiei 30.07.2024
Valoare estimata : 1,148,450 EUR Tip anunt: UE ID: 8361069 Data publicarii : 07.06.2024 Tara/Judet: LU
Descriere scurta:

Luxembourg: Actuarial Calculations of Social Benefits of Personnel of EU Institutions

Coduri CPV:

79330000-6 - Servicii statistice

Textul licitației

tuarial calculations of social benefits of personnel of EU institutions". In addition, DG BUDG and the relevant EU Institutions have mandated Eurostat to perform a number of actuarial calculations related to other social benefits of the personnel and members of EU Institutions:  the pension scheme of Members of the European Parliament (PSMEP),  the pension scheme of Members of other EU Institutions (PSMI) (Commissioners, Judges, Council General-Secretariat, Members of the European Court of Auditors, European Ombudsman),  the Joint Sickness Insurance Scheme (JSIS),  the calculations related to art.142 of the UK Withdrawal Agreement (BREXIT). The results of the above calculation are included in the yearly accounts of EU institutions. Finally, Eurostat assists DG HR in the framework of the reform of the SR, and in tasks like the projection of the PSEO pension expenditure, the Un

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