Data licitatiei 17.06.2019


Linie de asamblare spătar şi pernă scaun
Data licitatiei 17.06.2019
Valoare estimata : 0 RON Tip anunt: Achizitii ID: 3892146 Data publicarii : 06.06.2019 Tara/Judet: RO/Arges
Descriere scurta:

Linie de asamblare spătar şi pernă scaun

Coduri CPV:

42900000-5 - Diverse utilaje de uz general şi special

Textul licitației

he acquisition procedure for equipment MARTUR AUTOMOTIVE SEATING ANO INTERIORS SRL announces the launch of the acquisition procedure for equipment for the project \"Extension of productlon capacity for MARTUR AUTOMOTIVE SEATING ANO INTERIORS SRL \". Object of Purchase: equipment, as follows: -Lot I: Backrest and cushion assembly line, consisting in: o Lateral bracket machine -1 piece o Latch and retractor screwing machine -1 piece o Rework machine -1 piece -Lot II: Telepheric - 6 pieces The procurement documentation can be obtained from: e-mail or at the address Judeţ Argeş, Comuna Gătească, Sat Cătanele, Nr. 250 Date and time limit for submission of the offer 18.06.2019, 6:00 PM (UTC +3) For more Information, please contact: MARTUR AUTOMOTIVE SEATING AND INTERIORS SRL address: Judeţ Argeş, Comuna Căteasca, Sat Cătanele, Nr. 250, Phone: 0314378342, Fax: 0314378345, E-mail: , contact person: Simona ION, tel. 0732.510.610 Thankyou.

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