Data licitatiei 21.03.2019


Kazahstan - Shymkent : BERD - Kazahstan: Arnur Credit — Consolidarea capacității și instituției
Data licitatiei 21.03.2019
Valoare estimata : 0 Tip anunt: UE ID: 3632035 Data publicarii : 13.02.2019 Tara/Judet:
Descriere scurta:

Kazahstan - Shymkent : BERD - Kazahstan: Arnur Credit — Consolidarea capacității și instituției

Coduri CPV:

71356200-0 - Servicii de asistenţă tehnică

Textul licitației

administered by the BankThe assignments is expected to be financed by the EBRD Shareholders\' Special Fund (SSF).The client now invites proposals from qualified and competent consultants, in relation to the assignment, on the basis of the Consultancy Procurement Document provided in ECEPP for this assignment (CPD). The selection method (procurement method) is shown above and interested firms or group of firms are hereby invited to submit a technical and financial proposal).The expected outcome of the assignment is as follows:The objective of this assignment is to assist in the implementation of a tailor-made programme of technical assistance for the institution and capacity building of Arnur Credit and to specifically target priority areas in need of enhancement and modernisation.The selected consultant is expected to provide the following services:The areas to be covered by this Assignment are:— SME lending institutional capacity building — all areas related to larger-size SME lending,— risk management system, appropriate for SME lending and achievement of AC\'s long term goals,— modernisation of AC\'s IT and MIS,— transfer of know-how through trainings, seminars and the train-the-trainer programme to support improved procedures.The assignmen

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