Data licitatiei 20.08.2015


Kazahstan - Kîzîlorda : BERD - Proiect privind încălzirea centralizată în Kîzîlorda
Data licitatiei 20.08.2015
Valoare estimata : 0 Tip anunt: UE ID: 1304671 Data publicarii : 21.07.2015 Tara/Judet:
Descriere scurta:

Kazahstan - Kîzîlorda : BERD - Proiect privind încălzirea centralizată în Kîzîlorda

Coduri CPV:

09300000-2 - Electricitate, încălzire, energie solară şi nucleară
09323000-9 - Încălzire urbană
71314300-5 - Servicii de consultanţă în eficienţă energetică
71620000-0 - Servicii de analiză

Textul licitației

n support of Kyzylorda District Heating Project. The Project will enable the Company to improve district heating services by financing priority investments for the rehabilitation and modernisation of its infrastructure through a Priority Investment Programme (“PIP”) comprising the following major components: (i) implementation of SCADA system and installation of frequency regulators; (ii) rehabilitation of networks; (iii) installation of individual heating sub-stations (“IHS”) and (iv) internal domestic hot water (“DHW”) installations; (vi) development of hydraulic model; (vii) replacement of turbo generators.The Project will be implemented in the Kyzylorda City of the Republic of Kazakhstan.The Company intends using the proceeds of the loan towards the cost of the contract for development of District Heating Hydraulic Model.The assignment will include the following key objectives and tasks:– preliminary analysis of cartographic materials;– hydraulic model construction for the available district heating system;– analysis of variants for head load modification;– development of criteria for evaluation and renovation of the available district heating network;– development of alternatives for renovation of district heating networks and definition of

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