Data licitatiei 23.09.2024


Italia: Realization of the electromechanical system of the New Grouting Station and of some minor civil works for its adaptation to Buildings 41-41C-41K at Area 40
Data licitatiei 23.09.2024
Valoare estimata : 20,000,000 EUR Tip anunt: UE ID: 8582274 Data publicarii : 02.08.2024 Tara/Judet: IT
Descriere scurta:

Italia: Realization of the electromechanical system of the New Grouting Station and of some minor civil works for its adaptation to Buildings 41-41C-41K at Area 40

Coduri CPV:

31720000-9 - Echipament electromecanic
45223100-7 - Ansamblu de structuri metalice
45223110-0 - Instalaţie de structuri metalice
45223200-8 - Lucrări de structură
45223210-1 - Lucrări de structuri metalice
45261210-9 - Lucrări la învelitoarea acoperişului
51110000-6 - Servicii de instalare a echipamentului electric
51120000-9 - Servicii de instalare de echipament mecanic
51700000-9 - Servicii de instalare de echipamente de protecţie împotriva incendiilor
80511000-9 - Servicii de formare a angajaţilor

Textul licitației

am established by JRC Ispra, a New Grouting Station (NGS) must be realized in order to produce conditioned packages of Solid Radioactive Waste (SRW) to be stored at the Interim Storage Facility of the Site. The NGS requires all the necessary electromechanical systems needed to operate. These systems need to be installed inside three existing buildings inside the Controlled Area of Area 40. Among these systems are: The Handling System, whose scope is the handling of waste drums, overpacks, containers and final waste packages within the NGS facility; the Grouting System, whose function is to prepare wet mortar (grout) for immobilization of nuclear solid waste; all the service and auxiliary systems needed to safely operate the NGS facility. The NGS is key in the Decommissioning and Waste Management (D&WM) Program.Identificatorul procedurii: bb85277a-f7b2-432f-8620-2e7b422d178aIdentificator intern: EC-JRC/IPR/2024/RP/0306Tip de procedură: Restrânsă2.1.1. ScopNatura contractului: BunuriClasificarea principală (cpv): 31720000 Echipament electromecanic2.1.3. ValoareValoarea estimată fără TVA: 20 000 000,00 EUR2.1.4. Informații generaleInformații suplimentare: In case o

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