Islanda: SIG30 - Sigalda Extension HEP Generating Unit
Data licitatiei 28.04.2025
au mai rămas 38 zile


Valoare estimata : 0
Tip anunt:
ID: 9381257
Data publicarii :
IS |
Descriere scurta:
Islanda: SIG30 - Sigalda Extension HEP Generating Unit
Coduri CPV:
31000000-6 - Maşini, aparate, echipamente şi consumabile electrice; iluminat
42100000-0 - Utilaje de producţie şi utilizare a puterii mecanice
Textul licitației
rations with the environment and society are the guiding principles. The Authority’s role is to maximise the value of the renewable energy resources it has been entrusted with, in a sustainable and efficient manner. The Authority’s vision is a sustainable world, powered by renewable energy. The Authority is a leader in the sustainable utilisation of energy resources, while at the same time contributing to increased knowledge, innovation, and technical development in society. This Procurement is being undertaken in accordance with the Negotiated Procedure, as set out in Article 50 of Icelandic Regulation 340/2017 and Article 47 of the Utilities Directive. The Contract scope includes a generating unit of one 65 MW Francis turbine and generator, with steel spiral case and a steel draft tube liner and basic unit auxiliaries and control, as well as installation works in the existing three