Islanda: 16041 Installation and operation of charging stations for electric cars in Reykjavik
Data licitatiei 03.09.2024
Valoare estimata : 0
Tip anunt:
ID: 8631003
Data publicarii :
IS |
Descriere scurta:
Islanda: 16041 Installation and operation of charging stations for electric cars in Reykjavik
Coduri CPV:
65320000-2 - Exploatarea instalaţiilor electrice
Textul licitației
d for 5-8 years. Total number of parking spaces is 94 at 20 locations in Reykjavik. Bids can be on one or more locationsIdentificatorul procedurii: 98ad5be3-5087-4e89-8b5c-f2e01cc72fa9Identificator intern: 16041Tip de procedură: DeschisăProcedura este accelerată: nu2.1.1. ScopNatura contractului: ServiciiClasificarea principală (cpv): 65320000 Exploatarea instalaţiilor electrice2.1.3. ValoareValoarea estimată fără TVA: 0,00 GBP2.1.4. Informații generaleInformații suplimentare: See tender documentsTemei juridic: Directiva 2014/24/UE2.1.6. Motive de excludereParticiparea la o organizație criminală5. Lot5.1. Lot: LOT-0000Titlu: 16041 Installation and operation of charging stations for electric cars in ReykjavikDescriere: Installation and operation of charging stations for electric cars at various locations in Reykjavik. Charging stations have to be installed on foundations that have been installed at car parks and on street parking, connected to the grid and operated for 5-8 years. Total number of parking spaces is 94 at 20 locations in Reykjavik. Bids can