Irlanda: ZEVI TII EV Recharging Infrastructure Light Duty Vehicle (LDV) National Road Grant Scheme Phase 3
Data licitatiei 16.04.2025
au mai rămas 43 zile


Valoare estimata : 0 EUR
Tip anunt:
ID: 9324275
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Descriere scurta:
Irlanda: ZEVI TII EV Recharging Infrastructure Light Duty Vehicle (LDV) National Road Grant Scheme Phase 3
Coduri CPV:
09000000-3 - Produse petroliere, combustibil, electricitate şi alte surse de energie
09310000-5 - Electricitate
31158000-8 - ncărcătoare
31158100-9 - ncărcătoare de baterii
31158200-0 - Compresor de supraalimentare
31681500-8 - Aparate de reîncărcare
34144900-7 - Vehicule electrice
45000000-7 - Lucrări de construcţii
45310000-3 - Lucrări de instalaţii electrice
45317000-2 - Alte lucrări de instalare electrică
55000000-0 - Servicii hoteliere, de restaurant şi de vânzare cu amănuntul
63712600-9 - Servicii de alimentare cu combustibil a vehiculelor
71311100-2 - Servicii de asistenţă în domeniul lucrărilor publice
Textul licitației
ctric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure (EVCI) on most of the Primary and Secondary non-Ten-T network sections of the National Road Network in the State. The Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Regulation (AFIR) provides mandatory targets to be achieved by Member States for EV charging infrastructure dedicated to both LDVs and HDVs on the TENT. In response to the above, Ireland has set its own national targets for enroute Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure as outlined in the National Road Network EV Charging Plan 2024-2030 and the Climate Action Plan 2024. The objective of the scheme is to support the achievement of national EVCI targets and mandatory European targets. In this third Scheme, TII will provide grant funding in connection with the rollout of enroute EVCI and in particular high-powered en-route charging infrastructure for light duty vehicles (LDV). The Scheme will