Data licitatiei 11.12.2024


Irlanda: TR2484-Total Rewards Statement Solution
Data licitatiei 11.12.2024
Valoare estimata : 900,000 EUR Tip anunt: UE ID: 8934408 Data publicarii : 05.11.2024 Tara/Judet: IR
Descriere scurta:

Irlanda: TR2484-Total Rewards Statement Solution

Coduri CPV:

48920000-3 - Pachete software de birotică
48921000-0 - Sisteme de automatizare
48990000-4 - Pachete software pentru foi de calcul şi de îmbunătăţire
48991000-1 - Pachete software pentru foi de calcul
72210000-0 - Servicii de programare a pachetelor de produse software
72260000-5 - Servicii de software
72261000-2 - Servicii de asistenţă pentru software
72262000-9 - Servicii de dezvoltare software
72263000-6 - Servicii de aplicare de software
72264000-3 - Servicii de reproducere de software
72265000-0 - Servicii de configurare de software
72267000-4 - Servicii de întreţinere şi reparaţii de software
72267100-0 - Întreţinerea resurselor logice de tehnologie a informaţiei
72267200-1 - Repararea resurselor logice de tehnologie a informaţiei
72268000-1 - Servicii de furnizare de software
72310000-1 - Servicii de procesare de date
72312100-6 - Servicii de pregătire de date
72313000-2 - Servicii de captare de date
72314000-9 - Servicii de colectare şi de colaţionare de date
72316000-3 - Servicii de analiză de date
72330000-2 - Servicii de standardizare şi clasificare a conţinuturilor sau a datelor

Textul licitației

on which is scalable and has the automated capability to refresh data as reward and benefits data changes throughout the year. In addition, this solution would allow for periodic updates to be applied, provide greater accessibility and an enhanced user experience. ESB are intending to procure a product which offers standard ‘off the shelf’ functionality. ESB intends to procure a single supplier contract for the supply, implementation, licencing, support, and maintenance for a Cloud-based, hosted Total Rewards Statement Solution. ESB has a requirement to provide a Total Rewards Statement for all ESB employees which outlines all the benefits we have to offer and compensation an employee receives from ESB as their employer. The Total Rewards Statement Solution will be used to provide a means to communicate the full value of an employee's compensation package. Instead of having to explain each component individually, the Total Rewards Statement will provide a comprehensive overview that can be distributed to all employees. The reward statement will also be used as a tool to deliver information to employees required under the up-coming EU Pay Transparency Directive.Identificatorul procedurii: c2ef17c6-a1bf-4aee-8e3a-cd37ac258d1cTip de procedură: Negociată cu publicarea prealabilă a unei proceduri conc

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