Data licitatiei 04.09.2024


Irlanda: TII422_Renewals (Track and Associated Works) for the Luas Light Rail System: Single Party Framework
Data licitatiei 04.09.2024
Valoare estimata : 25,000,000 EUR Tip anunt: UE ID: 8571167 Data publicarii : 31.07.2024 Tara/Judet: IR
Descriere scurta:

Irlanda: TII422_Renewals (Track and Associated Works) for the Luas Light Rail System: Single Party Framework

Coduri CPV:

34600000-3 - Locomotive şi materiale rulante feroviare şi piese
34946000-0 - Materiale şi articole de construcţii feroviare
34946100-1 - Material de construcţii feroviare
34946120-7 - Materiale feroviare
34946200-2 - Materiale de construcţii de linii de cale ferată
45234100-7 - Lucrări de construcţii de căi ferate
45234180-1 - Lucrări de construcţii de ateliere feroviare

Textul licitației

n the Luas light rail system. This framework, when established, will be available to TII to draw down from it on a Call-Off Contract basis. The Call-Off Contracts, when issued, will typically be for the purposes of carrying out the following activities: 1. Developing a detailed construction design associated with the objective of replacing trackwork and/or associated equipment and installations on Luas, 2. Developing the specific programme of works, 3. Developing the specific methodology – location based, 4. Developing the Traffic Management design – to be approved by the relevant Local Authority, TII and the Luas Operator, 5. Interface with Luas Operator and Maintainer as required, 6. Carrying out all the necessary works as specified for trackwork and/or associated equipment and installations on Luas. Those works will include all preparatory works and all closing out works to make good the affected assets, 7. Produce the Safety File, 8. Supply of materials including rail and railway components and tooling eg. Specialist track, track interfacing equipment, sealants/grouts and materials used for works on or near the Luas system, and 9. Any other associated works required by the Client; including work on track related equipment such as points machines, installation, purchase, interventions of similar equipment, work on on-trac

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