Data licitatiei 04.07.2024


Irlanda: The supply and delivery of Musical Instruments, Equipment and Parts to MTU
Data licitatiei 04.07.2024
Valoare estimata : 80,000 EUR Tip anunt: UE ID: 8377434 Data publicarii : 12.06.2024 Tara/Judet: IR
Descriere scurta:

Irlanda: The supply and delivery of Musical Instruments, Equipment and Parts to MTU

Coduri CPV:

37000000-8 - Instrumente muzicale, articole sportive, jocuri, jucării, obiecte de artizanat, obiecte de artă şi accesorii
37300000-1 - Instrumente muzicale şi piese pentru acestea
37310000-4 - Instrumente muzicale
37311000-1 - Instrumente cu clape
37315000-9 - Instrumente muzicale cu amplificare electrică
37320000-7 - Piese şi accesorii pentru instrumente muzicale
37322000-1 - Piese de instrumente muzicale

Textul licitației

mmes in Cork School of Music including musical instruments, PA equipment, lighting equipment, video equipment, microphones, equipment cases, cables and musical accessories. MTU Cork School of Music (CSM), founded in 1878, is the oldest and largest conservatoire of music and drama in Ireland, with over 500 full-time students on its performing arts degree courses, and a further 2,000 students undertaking part-time conservatoire study. CSM is the leading conservatoire for music and drama in Ireland, and prides itself on the holistic nature of its music and drama education, delivering career-focused programmes and equipping students with the skills required for success in the music and theatre industry. CSM is situated in the heart of Cork City centre, close to all the major arts venues and hosts approximately 400 performing events annually. The purpose- built and state-of-the-art building features a 385 seat concert hall, 110 seat theatre, 52 teaching and practice studios, a full recording studio and suite, 60 Steinway grand pianos, 2 Junior Classrooms, 2 Piano Labs, lecture theatres, 2 audio labs, an IT lab, and the Off-Quay Bistro. Full details can be found in Appendix 1: Requirements and Specifications.Identificatorul procedurii: 3aa46389-485a-4c32-84b6-c88414389e3dTip de procedură: DeschisăProcedura es

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