Data licitatiei 05.07.2024

au mai rămas 2 zile

Irlanda: The provision of geotechnical engineering expertise to assist in the design and assessment of management measures for Clara Bog Special Area of Conservation
Data licitatiei 05.07.2024
au mai rămas 2 zile
Valoare estimata : 200,000 EUR Tip anunt: UE ID: 8354913 Data publicarii : 06.06.2024 Tara/Judet: IR
Descriere scurta:

Irlanda: The provision of geotechnical engineering expertise to assist in the design and assessment of management measures for Clara Bog Special Area of Conservation

Coduri CPV:

71000000-8 - Servicii de arhitectură, de construcţii, de inginerie şi de inspecţie
71240000-2 - Servicii de arhitectură, de inginerie şi de planificare
71300000-1 - Servicii de inginerie
71320000-7 - Servicii de concepţie tehnică
90710000-7 - Management de mediu
90722000-4 - Reabilitare ecologică

Textul licitației

19) identified potential management measures to arrest subsidence and reinstate (or at least elevate) groundwater heads and reduce hydraulic gradients between peat and substrate to restore the bog's hydrological balance. The management measures aim to fill part of the cutover bog to the south of Clara West by forming a bund between the bog and glacial deposits in the surrounding area and infilling behind the bund. A preliminary geotechnical design for the bund was prepared in 2015, which assessed two available options. Option one involved constructing a bund from glacial deposits, by excavating peat and backfilling with glacial material. A second option considered using geo-grid reinforced peat founded on top of the existing cutover peat. To prevent preferential seepage through the bund, the preliminary design included a toe drain and a lower permeability barrier. There is potential for a body of open water forming behind the bund. Indicative costings were also provided for both options. The Wetland Restoration Scheme is co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Union through the EU Just Transition Fund Programme 2021-2027. The overall objective of the EU Just Transit

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