Data licitatiei 15.11.2024

au mai rămas 31 zile

Irlanda: The Provision of General Surgery Outpatient Assessments for the University of Limerick Hospital Group
Data licitatiei 15.11.2024
au mai rămas 31 zile
Valoare estimata : 1 EUR Tip anunt: UE ID: 8857823 Data publicarii : 15.10.2024 Tara/Judet: IR
Descriere scurta:

Irlanda: The Provision of General Surgery Outpatient Assessments for the University of Limerick Hospital Group

Coduri CPV:

85100000-0 - Servicii de sănătate
85111100-1 - Servicii spitaliceşti de chirurgie
85120000-6 - Servicii de practică medicală şi servicii conexe
85121000-3 - Servicii de practică medicală
85121300-6 - Servicii chirurgicale specializate
85141000-9 - Servicii furnizate de personalul medical

Textul licitației

onward care. A cohort of patients has been identified from the waiting list as requiring clinical assessment to be completed as a priority. The initial requirement is for 400 to be seen in late early Q1 2025. Subsequently, subject to satisfactory performance by the provider and subject to demand and budget availability, ULHG may refer additional numbers from their waiting list. The services of a Consultant Surgeon on the IMC Specialist Register is required to conduct the virtual assessments outside of ULHG core hospital hours. It is mandatory that the successful service provider will have developed a solution to secure onward referral into University Hospital Limerick where required. This solution must include having made suitable arrangements with existing ULHG Consultants to ensure their acceptance to accept referrals for onward care arising from the initial assessments. This will most likely be achieved by working with the Consultants in question in relation to the onward care. If the assessment is not accepted by the Hospital Consultants, for whatever reason, this will render this work as ineffective. Failure, therefore, to meet this requirement to the satisfaction of the Procurement Evaluation Group (PEG), will result in the tenderer’s exclusion from further consideration in the tender competition.Identificatorul

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autentificare CREARE CONT Cere Consultanta