Irlanda: Supply and Spreading of Bitumen Binder to Various Public Roads Throughout Co. Carlow in 2025
Data licitatiei 06.03.2025
au mai rămas 29 zile
Valoare estimata : 700,000 EUR
Tip anunt:
ID: 9228470
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Descriere scurta:
Irlanda: Supply and Spreading of Bitumen Binder to Various Public Roads Throughout Co. Carlow in 2025
Coduri CPV:
44113600-1 - Bitum şi asfalt
44113610-4 - Bitum
44113800-3 - Materiale de îmbrăcăminţi rutiere
44113810-6 - Îmbrăcăminte de uzură
45233120-6 - Lucrări de construcţii de drumuri
45233251-3 - Lucrări de reînnoire a îmbrăcămintei rutiere
Textul licitației
'free issue' chippings ranging from 6 to 14mm rolling the chippings with a rubber wheeled roller, single or double surface dressing method, all to Carlow County Council's instruction including all associated testing to circa 68 km of public roadway of various lengths and widths at various locations around the county of Carlow with 80 percent polymer modified bitumen. The above tonnages are estimates subject to availability of finance and Carlow County Council does not guarantee that they will be achieved, no additional charges will be entertained should actual tonnages provided be below those indicated above.Identificatorul procedurii: be779a48-2866-4e27-8833-e40a552d7996Tip de procedură: DeschisăProcedura este accelerată: nu2.1.1. ScopNatura contractului: BunuriClasificarea principală (cpv): 441136