Data licitatiei 19.09.2024


Irlanda: Single Supplier Framework Agreement for the Supply of Single Deck Battery Electric Buses
Data licitatiei 19.09.2024
Valoare estimata : 162,500,000 EUR Tip anunt: UE ID: 8643217 Data publicarii : 21.08.2024 Tara/Judet: IR
Descriere scurta:

Irlanda: Single Supplier Framework Agreement for the Supply of Single Deck Battery Electric Buses

Coduri CPV:

33952000-8 - Măşti antiputrefacţie
34000000-7 - Echipament de transport şi produse auxiliare pentru transport
34114400-3 - Microbuze
34121000-1 - Autobuze şi autocare
34121100-2 - Autobuze publice
34121200-3 - Autobuze articulate
34121400-5 - Autobuze cu podea joasă
34144910-0 - Autobuze electrice
34211000-9 - Caroserii de autobuze, caroserii de ambulanţe şi caroserii de vehicule pentru transportul de mărfuri
34622300-6 - Troleibuze
34900000-6 - Diverse echipamente de transport şi piese de schimb
50113000-0 - Servicii de reparare şi de întreţinere a autobuzelor
50113100-1 - Servicii de reparare a autobuzelor
60000000-8 - Servicii de transport (cu excepţia transportului de deşeuri)
60100000-9 - Servicii de transport rutier
63700000-6 - Servicii anexe pentru transportul terestru, naval şi aerian
63710000-9 - Servicii anexe pentru transportul terestru
63712000-3 - Servicii anexe pentru transportul rutier

Textul licitației

ttery-electric buses. The Framework Agreement is intended to permit the purchase of single-deck battery-electric buses during the period of the Framework Agreement. The Authority intends to acquire single-deck battery-electric buses from the successful tenderer who is awarded the framework agreement (the “Supplier”). It is envisaged that up to 250 buses may be purchased under this Framework Agreement. However, the Authority reserves the right to purchase a lower or higher quantity of buses or not to place any purchase orders under the Framework Agreement. While the Authority intends to acquire single-deck battery-electric buses from the successful tenderer who is awarded the Framework Agreement, it intends to provide those buses to the operators of subvented public transport services, known as Public Service Obligation services (“PSO Services”), to operate in the performance of t

Pentru a vedea textul integral al licitaţiei trebuie să aveți cont și abonament.

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