Data licitatiei 21.10.2024

au mai rămas 27 zile

Irlanda: Resident Site Engineer - Portlaoise GDHQ - Refurbishment of Portlaoise Garda Divisional HQ - Tender
Data licitatiei 21.10.2024
au mai rămas 27 zile
Valoare estimata : 1 EUR Tip anunt: UE ID: 8772838 Data publicarii : 24.09.2024 Tara/Judet: IR
Descriere scurta:

Irlanda: Resident Site Engineer - Portlaoise GDHQ - Refurbishment of Portlaoise Garda Divisional HQ - Tender

Coduri CPV:

71311000-1 - Servicii de consultanţă în domeniul lucrărilor publice
71312000-8 - Servicii de consultanţă în inginerie structurală
71530000-2 - Servicii de consultanţă în construcţii

Textul licitației

he ‘PSSB’ site. Construction of a new Defence Forces facility on a separate site in the Portlaoise area. There will be demolition, construction and refurbishment works to buildings within the existing Garda Station and ‘PSSB’ site. Both the Garda Station development and Defence Forces facility development will be progressed through a phased process (refer to drawing No.1 Site Plan-Existing Structures). The development of the new Defence Force’s facility is part of this project. The entire project will progress as two inter-related and dependent sub-projects. One project team will have responsibility for the entire project and will be involved throughout all project phases. The development works will consist of: a) Demolition to existing buildings to 2 storey office block, detention facilities, out-buildings and PSSB building at the rear of the Garda Station. b) A refurbishment of the existing 2 storey Garda Station building on the Garda barracks’ site in Portlaoise; c) Construction of a new 3 storey extension to the existing Garda Station building with a level link to the existing building, forming the new external courtyard, on main Garda barracks’ site; d) Construction of a new proposed standalone building on the PSSB site. e) Construction of a new Defence Forces facility in Portlaoise area. The existing main Gar

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