Irlanda: Qualification System for Onshore Solar Electrical Works Contracts in the Republic of Ireland
Data licitatiei 24.07.2024
Valoare estimata : 0
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ID: 8421699
Data publicarii :
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Descriere scurta:
Irlanda: Qualification System for Onshore Solar Electrical Works Contracts in the Republic of Ireland
Coduri CPV:
09330000-1 - Energie solară
31321200-4 - Cablu de joasă tensiune şi de tensiune medie
31321300-5 - Cablu de înaltă tensiune
42961200-2 - Sisteme Scada sau sisteme echivalente
71311000-1 - Servicii de consultanţă în domeniul lucrărilor publice
71314100-3 - Servicii de energie electrică
71320000-7 - Servicii de concepţie tehnică
71322000-1 - Servicii de proiectare tehnică pentru construcţia de lucrări publice
71323100-9 - Servicii de proiectare a sistemelor de energie electrică
71334000-8 - Servicii de inginerie mecanică şi electrică
71632000-7 - Servicii de testare tehnică
79418000-7 - Servicii de consultanţă în domeniul achiziţiilor
Textul licitației
ied Applicants) that can be invited to specific Competitions under the Qualification System in relation to the procurement and execution of such electrical works. The scope of works under a Contract may include (without limitation) the civil and electrical design, construction, commissioning and testing of solar farm substation contestable works, associated low voltage (LV) / medium voltage (MV) / high voltage (HV) cabling, and the grid connection route to connect the Project to the transmission or distribution network in accordance with the connection agreement for the Project and to the satisfaction of the Contracting Entity and the Distribution System Operator or Transmission System Operator. The scope may also include the design, supply, delivery, installation, commissioning, and testing of all electrical and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) equipment for the substation which may or may not include the grid trans-former. Engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) works in connection with the solar farm which will connect to the Project substation will be carried out by another party under a separate EPC works contract outside the scope of this Qualification System. The full suite of requirements are outlined in the procurement documents.Identificatorul procedurii: 10c27f86-3777-4081-98da-37dd3383