Irlanda: Provision of Utility Investigation Surveys for BusConnects Cork (South-East) and Framework Agreement for the Provision of Utility Investigation Surveys for BusConnects Regional Cities Projects
Data licitatiei 02.10.2024
Valoare estimata : 26,625,000 EUR
Tip anunt:
ID: 8675997
Data publicarii :
IR |
Descriere scurta:
Irlanda: Provision of Utility Investigation Surveys for BusConnects Cork (South-East) and Framework Agreement for the Provision of Utility Investigation Surveys for BusConnects Regional Cities Projects
Coduri CPV:
45000000-7 - Lucrări de construcţii
45100000-8 - Lucrări de pregătire a şantierului
45111250-5 - Lucrări de cercetare a solului
45200000-9 - Lucrări de construcţii complete sau parţiale şi lucrări publice
65000000-3 - Utilităţi publice
71000000-8 - Servicii de arhitectură, de construcţii, de inginerie şi de inspecţie
71300000-1 - Servicii de inginerie
71510000-6 - Servicii de cercetare a şantierului
71530000-2 - Servicii de consultanţă în construcţii
Textul licitației
tigation Surveys for BusConnects Regional Cities ProjectsDescriere: The National Transport Authority (“NTA”) is progressing with BusConnects Cork, a major investment programme to improve public transport in Cork City. The aim of BusConnects Cork is to deliver an enhanced bus system that is better for the city, its people and the environment. BusConnects Cork is designed to provide a better, more reliable and more efficient bus service for everyone in addition to providing safe cycling and enhanced pedestrian facilities along key routes. This tender competition is for the Provision of Utility Investigation Surveys for BusConnects Cork (South-East). The duration of this contract shall be until the completion of the works. The estimated value of this contract is €750,000. The maximum value of this contract is €937,500. Following the assessment of tenders, the NTA intends to enter into the Multi-Party Framework Agreement with a maximum of four (4) participants, subject to that number meeting the minimum quality criteria. The NTA intends to use this Framework for future Utility Investigation Works on other BusConnects Regional Cities Projects. In addition, the NTA reserves the right to utilise this Framework for other projects undertaken by the NTA including, but not limited to, bus depots, other bus infrastructu