Data licitatiei 14.11.2024


Irlanda: Provision of Consultancy Services to NMI to Produce a Strategy and Implementation Plan and Associated Documents for the National Museum of Ireland
Data licitatiei 14.11.2024
Valoare estimata : 200,000 EUR Tip anunt: UE ID: 8863916 Data publicarii : 16.10.2024 Tara/Judet: IR
Descriere scurta:

Irlanda: Provision of Consultancy Services to NMI to Produce a Strategy and Implementation Plan and Associated Documents for the National Museum of Ireland

Coduri CPV:

79411000-8 - Servicii generale de consultanţă în management
92500000-6 - Servicii prestate de biblioteci, arhive, muzee şi alte servicii culturale
92521000-9 - Servicii prestate de muzee

Textul licitației

nning project of NMI’s Registration Department. This strategic planning project will provide a comprehensive roadmap to develop the Registration Department and ensure that the Registration Department is achieving its full potential for the benefit of collections, NMI and the public. The overall aim of this project is to optimise the Registration Department's structure, operations, and resources, aligning them with the National Museum of Ireland's statutory obligations, and Master Vision Statement and strategic goals. This process also needs to be fully aligned with and underpinned by NMI’s three key lenses supporting NMI’s strategic plan: for the plant, for shared learning and for the community This strategic planning process aims to enhance the Registration Department's efficiency, accessibility, and contribution to NMI's strategic vision for greater accessibility to and engagemen

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autentificare CREARE CONT Cere Consultanta