Irlanda: PROJ000009581 - SSB055C Request for Tender (RFT) for the Manufacture, Supply and Delivery of Operational Dry Suit Systems to the Minister for Transport, Irish Coast Guard (IRCG)
Data licitatiei 05.09.2024
Valoare estimata : 1,000,000 EUR
Tip anunt:
ID: 8577637
Data publicarii :
IR |
Descriere scurta:
Irlanda: PROJ000009581 - SSB055C Request for Tender (RFT) for the Manufacture, Supply and Delivery of Operational Dry Suit Systems to the Minister for Transport, Irish Coast Guard (IRCG)
Coduri CPV:
18220000-7 - Îmbrăcăminte de protecţie împotriva intemperiilor
18221000-4 - Îmbrăcăminte impermeabilă
18811000-7 - Încălţăminte impermeabilă
34930000-5 - Echipament maritim
37412242-7 - Echipamente de scufundare
37412243-4 - Costume de scafandru
37412270-2 - Costume uscate pentru scufundări
37414800-1 - Costume de salvare
98360000-4 - Servicii marine
98361000-1 - Servicii de oceanologie
98362100-9 - Servicii de asistenţă în bazele navale
Textul licitației
ional Dry Suit Systems to the Minister for Transport, Irish Coast Guard (IRCG). The Minister for Transport (the “Contracting Authority”), represented by the Irish Coast Guard (IRCG), invites tenders (“Tenders”) to this request for tenders (“RFT”) from economic operators (“Tenderers”) for the supply of the goods as described in Appendix 1 to this RFT (the “Goods”). Please note that the Office of Government Procurement (OGP), on behalf of the Contracting Authority, will be the contact office for all communications in relation to this public procurement competition. In summary, the Goods comprise: The manufacture, supply and delivery of Operational Dry Suit Systems to the Irish Coast Guard (IRCG), Department of Transport, which are used by all Irish Coast Guard Units nationwide. (Twenty-Two (22) Coast Guard Units (CGUs) located around the Irish coastline).Identificatorul procedurii: 8a355aa7-9c34-4878-b8f2-f6dbf03c6f7bTip de procedură: DeschisăProcedura este accelerată: nu2.1.1. ScopNatura contractului: BunuriClasificarea principală (cpv): 37412270 Costume uscate pentru scufundăriClasificare suplimentară (cpv): 37412242 Echipamente de scufundare, 34930000 Echipament maritim, 98362100 Servicii d