Irlanda: Multi-Party Framework Agreement for the provision of access to electronic research/bibliographic databases to the Institute of Public Administration
Data licitatiei 10.03.2025
au mai rămas 27 zile
Valoare estimata : 400,000 EUR
Tip anunt:
ID: 9242956
Data publicarii :
IR |
Descriere scurta:
Irlanda: Multi-Party Framework Agreement for the provision of access to electronic research/bibliographic databases to the Institute of Public Administration
Coduri CPV:
22200000-2 - Ziare, reviste specializate, periodice şi reviste
48160000-7 - Pachete software pentru biblioteci
72320000-4 - Servicii de baze de date
79800000-2 - Servicii tipografice şi servicii conexe
92500000-6 - Servicii prestate de biblioteci, arhive, muzee şi alte servicii culturale
92510000-9 - Servicii prestate de biblioteci şi de arhive
92511000-6 - Servicii prestate de biblioteci
Textul licitației
bibliographic databases to the Institute of Public Administration. The IPA Library provides a lending, reference and information service to 3,000 part-time students which equates to 1,000 FTE students, faculty staff and members of the Institute. Tenderers should refer to the IPA website – for details of the range of programmes delivered, in order to align their offer with the provision of relevant titles/content. Note: Tenderers should note that both the student and staff profile may grow following the expansion of the IPA and the implementation of a successful growth plan. Access is provided to books, eBooks, journals, electronic databases, reports, statistics and official publications in the general area of public management. This service covers a wide range of subjects, including management, economics, sociology, law, criminology, health, finance, sustainability and local