Data licitatiei 04.11.2024


Irlanda: Multi-Party Framework Agreement for HSE DT Services Framework 2024 – FW02: Acute Healthcare Capital Works – project value €1M - €15M excl. VAT for RHA E Limerick, Clare and North Tipp
Data licitatiei 04.11.2024
Valoare estimata : 600,000,000 EUR Tip anunt: UE ID: 8813658 Data publicarii : 03.10.2024 Tara/Judet: IR
Descriere scurta:

Irlanda: Multi-Party Framework Agreement for HSE DT Services Framework 2024 – FW02: Acute Healthcare Capital Works – project value €1M - €15M excl. VAT for RHA E Limerick, Clare and North Tipp

Coduri CPV:

71200000-0 - Servicii de arhitectură şi servicii conexe
71300000-1 - Servicii de inginerie
71311000-1 - Servicii de consultanţă în domeniul lucrărilor publice
71312000-8 - Servicii de consultanţă în inginerie structurală
71314300-5 - Servicii de consultanţă în eficienţă energetică
71317210-8 - Servicii de consultanţă sanitară şi de siguranţă
71321000-4 - Servicii de proiectare tehnică a instalaţiilor mecanice şi electrice pentru construcţii
71324000-5 - Servicii de estimare
71334000-8 - Servicii de inginerie mecanică şi electrică
71410000-5 - Servicii de urbanism
75251110-4 - Servicii de prevenire a incendiilor
71324000-5 - Servicii de estimare
71324000-5 - Servicii de estimare
71317210-8 - Servicii de consultanţă sanitară şi de siguranţă

Textul licitației

T FOR HSE DESIGN TEAM SERVICES FRAMEWORK 2024 – FRAMEWORK 02: ACUTE HEALTHCARE CAPITAL WORKS – PROJECT VALUE €1M - €15M EXCL. VAT. This framework will include the following design team disciplines (Lots): Lot 1: Architect (AR) as Principal Service Provider with the following Specialists domestic subconsultants, or in-house specialisms: a. Planner (PL), b. Project Supervisor Design Process (PSDP), c. Fire Safety Consultant (FSC) and d. BIM Information Manager (BIM). Lot 2: Quantity Surveyor (QS), as Principal Service Provider. Lot 3: Building Services Engineer (M+E), as Principal Service Provider. Lot 4: Civil / Structural Engineer (C+S), as Principal Service Provider. Lot 5: Employer’s Representative (ER), as Principal Service Provider. Lot 6: Energy Efficient Design Facilitator (EEDF), as Principal Service Provider. Lot 7: Assigned Certifier (AC), as Principal Service Provider. The Health Services Executive (HSE) invites expressions of interest, under the Restricted Procedure, from suitably qualified services providers for the provision of design team services (including Specialist Skills Providers) per the above Lot listing for which it is proposed to establish a Multi-Party Framework Agreement for each Lot type to award call-off contracts for Acute Healthcare Capital Works – project value €1M - €15M excl. VAT

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