Irlanda: Limerick City and County Council - Provision of Services for the Delivery of a Food Festival.
Data licitatiei 24.03.2025
au mai rămas 14 zile


Valoare estimata : 221,000 EUR
Tip anunt:
ID: 9346471
Data publicarii :
IR |
Descriere scurta:
Irlanda: Limerick City and County Council - Provision of Services for the Delivery of a Food Festival.
Coduri CPV:
15000000-8 - Alimente, băuturi, tutun şi produse conexe
55300000-3 - Servicii de restaurant şi de servire a mâncării
79340000-9 - Servicii de publicitate şi de comercializare
79342000-3 - Servicii de comercializare
79413000-2 - Servicii de consultanţă în gestiune marketing
79952000-2 - Servicii pentru evenimente
79952100-3 - Servicii de organizare de evenimente culturale
79953000-9 - Servicii de organizare de festivaluri
Textul licitației
e of the region, promote local food producers, and provide a platform for showcasing diverse food cultures. This Request for Tender (RFT) outlines the scope of work, deliverables, and requirements for the provision of services for the successful execution of the Food Festival. Service providers with a proven track record in event management (preferably within the food and beverage sector), are invited to submit their tenders in accordance with the guidelines and specifications detailed herein. The Food Festival will be a family-friendly event, designed to cater to attendees of all ages, over a minimum of 3 days (including weekend days). With activities and entertainment suitable for children and adults alike, the festival will offer a welcoming and enjoyable atmosphere for families to come together and experience the best of Limerick's culinary offerings.Identificatorul proceduri