Data licitatiei 07.08.2024


Irlanda: LA2838C - ATU - RFT for the Supply of an EDM suite of Equipment including a Wire EDM, Die Sink EDM and Drill
Data licitatiei 07.08.2024
Valoare estimata : 356,000 EUR Tip anunt: UE ID: 8471145 Data publicarii : 05.07.2024 Tara/Judet: IR
Descriere scurta:

Irlanda: LA2838C - ATU - RFT for the Supply of an EDM suite of Equipment including a Wire EDM, Die Sink EDM and Drill

Coduri CPV:

31640000-4 - Maşini şi aparate cu utilizare specifică
38000000-5 - Echipamente de laborator, optice şi de precizie (cu excepţia ochelarilor)
42610000-5 - Maşini-unelte acţionate prin laser şi centre de prelucrare
42637000-0 - Maşini-unelte de perforat, de alezat sau de frezat metale
43130000-3 - Echipament de foraj

Textul licitației

aries. All of the equipment detailed in this tender will be placed in the PEM Technology Gateway and presents an excellent addition to our facilities in Atlantic Technological University. It will be used for research activities as well as industry engagement, training, and demonstrations in education and industry. Lot 1 - Wire Electrical Discharge Machine and Ancillaries Tenders are sought for the supply, delivery, installation, and calibration of a Wire Electrical Discharge machine and ancillaries necessary for the operation of the equipment. The Wire Electrical Discharge machine is expected to be a compact, high precision EDM cutting unit for precise and high-quality edge finishing tasks of complex geometry in electrically conductive materials. Lot 2 – Die Sink Electrical Discharge Machine and Ancillaries Tenders are sought for the supply, delivery, installation, and calibration of a Die Sink Electrical Discharge Machine and ancillaries necessary for its operation. The Die Sink Electrical Discharge Machine must be a compact, high-precision EDM die sink machine capable of adding an integrated linear tool changer and achieving a surface roughness of 0.1µm. Lot 3 – Electrical Discharge Machining Drill and Ancillaries Tenders are sought for the supply, delivery, installation, and calibration of an Electrical Discharge Machini

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autentificare CREARE CONT Cere Consultanta