Irlanda: IT3164C - RFT for the Provision of App Design, Development and Support for Trinity College Dublin
Data licitatiei 12.02.2025


Valoare estimata : 1,300,000 EUR
Tip anunt:
ID: 9150855
Data publicarii :
IR |
Descriere scurta:
Irlanda: IT3164C - RFT for the Provision of App Design, Development and Support for Trinity College Dublin
Coduri CPV:
72000000-5 - Servicii IT: consultanţă, dezvoltare de software, internet şi asistenţă
72200000-7 - Servicii de programare şi de consultanţă software
72210000-0 - Servicii de programare a pachetelor de produse software
72212215-9 - Servicii de dezvoltare de software pentru dezvoltatorii de reţele
Textul licitației
library information (books due, fees due) and a campus map. Since launch, the app has had more than 50,000 downloads and is regularly used by 10,000+ students. Overall, Trinity Live has demonstrated substantial demand among the student body for mobile services. To further meet this need, Trinity College’s Digital Transformation Team has established a programme to develop an enhanced app to replace Trinity Live. The new app is provisionally designated as the ‘Student Experience Mobile App’. The vision for the Student Experience Mobile App is to deliver an expanded set of personalised services based on a significantly higher standard of user experience. As a first step to this end, the Digital Transformation Team developed a high-level app concept in mid-2024. Screengrabs of this concept are available in Appendix B. The app concept demonstrates many of the functions expected to be d