Irlanda: Invitation to tender for the provision of a Cancer Genetic Testing and Courier Services for Genetic Testing in St James’s Hospital .
Data licitatiei 16.12.2024
Valoare estimata : 2,400,000 EUR
Tip anunt:
ID: 8980264
Data publicarii :
IR |
Descriere scurta:
Irlanda: Invitation to tender for the provision of a Cancer Genetic Testing and Courier Services for Genetic Testing in St James’s Hospital .
Coduri CPV:
71600000-4 - Servicii de testare, analiză şi consultanţă tehnică
71900000-7 - Servicii de laborator
Textul licitației
for cancer genetic counselling, risk assessment and genetic testing. The service is working towards the newly published National Cancer Control Programme (NCCP) Hereditary Model of Care and the vision of delivering a timely cancer genomics service for patients throughout Ireland. The NCCP Hereditary Model of care aligns with the recently published Genomics Strategy for Ireland in 2022. St James Hospital cancer genetic service provides cancer genetic counselling and testing to individuals with and without cancer. In 2022, 1040 new patients were seen in the service. Cancer genetic testing occurs after pre-test counselling and consent and remote testing with saliva, blood or buccal samples sent to patients address or collected on site and couriered to a testing provider. The Cancer Genetic Service performed 602 cancer genetic diagnostic tests and 164 predictive tests in 2022.Identif