Data licitatiei 09.01.2025


Irlanda: HSE 21795 Electronic and Digital Signature Solution for the Health Service Executive.
Data licitatiei 09.01.2025
Valoare estimata : 1,200,000 EUR Tip anunt: UE ID: 8970411 Data publicarii : 14.11.2024 Tara/Judet: IR
Descriere scurta:

Irlanda: HSE 21795 Electronic and Digital Signature Solution for the Health Service Executive.

Coduri CPV:

48000000-8 - Pachete software şi sisteme informatice
48100000-9 - Pachete software pentru industrie
48170000-0 - Pachete software de conformitate
48217000-2 - Pachete software de procesare a tranzacţiilor
48219300-9 - Pachete software de administrare
48300000-1 - Pachete software pentru creare de documente, pentru desen, imagistică, planificare şi productivitate
48310000-4 - Pachete software pentru creare de documente
48311000-1 - Pachete software pentru gestionarea documentelor
48400000-2 - Pachete software pentru tranzacţii comerciale şi personale
48600000-4 - Pachete software pentru baze de date şi operare
48613000-8 - Gestionare electronică a datelor (GED)
48800000-6 - Sisteme de informare şi servere
48900000-7 - Diverse pachete software şi sisteme informatice
72000000-5 - Servicii IT: consultanţă, dezvoltare de software, internet şi asistenţă
72200000-7 - Servicii de programare şi de consultanţă software
72250000-2 - Servicii pentru sisteme şi asistenţă
72260000-5 - Servicii de software
72261000-2 - Servicii de asistenţă pentru software
72267000-4 - Servicii de întreţinere şi reparaţii de software
72267100-0 - Întreţinerea resurselor logice de tehnologie a informaţiei
72268000-1 - Servicii de furnizare de software
79132100-9 - Servicii de certificare a semnăturii electronice

Textul licitației

re Solution provided as a software as a Service (SaaS) for Stage 1 of this Restricted Procedure tender competition. Candidates should have significant experience in the provision of Electronic and Digital Signature Systems, including within healthcare services and have significant experience of delivering cloud-based services. Candidates must demonstrate their ability to provide an Application Programming Interface (API) function to facilitate easy integration with HSE’s clinical and administration in-house or third-party applications to support electronic and digital signatures within HSE systems and have integration capabilities with industry standard applications such as Microsoft 365. It is a mandatory requirement that the solution will be hosted, backed-up and supported from within the European Economic Area (EEA). The purpose of Stage 1 is to pre-qualify suitably qualified service providers to progress to State 2 of the competition. In Stage 2 of this competition, HSE intends to invite a maximum of 5 pre-qualified Candidates to submit a tender. A full specification of requirements will be provided to shortlisted Candidates in Stage 2 of this competition. For full details please see the Expression of Interest documentation available to download from the Contract Notice published on the eTenders website, https://www.etende

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