Irlanda: GWM-6797 - Solar PV EPC qualification system
Data licitatiei 22.02.2025
au mai rămas 30 zile
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ID: 9185398
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Descriere scurta:
Irlanda: GWM-6797 - Solar PV EPC qualification system
Coduri CPV:
09330000-1 - Energie solară
09331000-8 - Panouri solare
09332000-5 - Instalaţie solară
45220000-5 - Lucrări de inginerie şi de construcţii
45251100-2 - Lucrări de construcţii de centrale electrice
Textul licitației
ission and — maintain all elements of ground-mounted solar farms. The projects will be located in Ireland and the UK, and the qualification system may include projects developed by ESB, ESB joint venture companies (existing or yet to be formed), ESB subsidiary companies or companies ESB Group has a minority interest in. Applicants must be able to provide the full scope of services of a solar EPC contractor, including all associated construction, balance of plant and grid connection works. ESB plans to develop ground-mounted solar farms commencing in 2019, through a pipeline of planned projects. The size of individual projects is expected to range between 4 MW and 100 MW, although some projects could be outside of this range. Applicants should note that the detailed scope and contracting strategy for each project will be determined in any subsequent procurement competition (which may include a further pre-qualification process before the tender phase) and may include some or all of the scope items identified above. In the nearer term, the contracting entity is pursuing in excess of 200 MW of ground-mounted solar sites with a view to delivery utilising the qualification system. While the total number of projects and MW to be delivered under the qualification system throughout its existence cannot be determined at this time, the