Irlanda: Entrance and Carpark Redevelopment at Ballykeeffe Wood Nature Reserve
Data licitatiei 09.12.2024
Valoare estimata : 150,000 EUR
Tip anunt:
ID: 9017448
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Descriere scurta:
Irlanda: Entrance and Carpark Redevelopment at Ballykeeffe Wood Nature Reserve
Coduri CPV:
45111000-8 - Lucrări de demolare, de pregătire şi de degajare a şantierului
45111200-0 - Lucrări de pregătire şi de degajare a şantierului
45111213-4 - Lucrări de degajare a şantierului
45111291-4 - Lucrări de amenajare a terenului
45113000-2 - Lucrări de şantier
45213312-3 - Lucrări de construcţii de parcări cu etaje
45342000-6 - Montare de garduri
Textul licitației
2- Demolition, removal and disposal of existing piers to trailhead, 3- Felling and removal of 7 No. existing trees from the site to facilitate works, 4- Construction of new section of curved boundary wall from reused existing material, 5- Removal of section of existing fence and erection of new fencing, 6- Stripping, regrading and resurfacing of the entrance and sections of the carpark, 7- Provision of 20 No. new parking spaces and 4 No. Sheffield bicycle parking stands in the carpark area, 8- Construction of a new landscaped area on verges of proposed entrance, 9- Construction of a new surface water drainage system to manage rainfall within the site boundary, 10- Removal, storage and reinstallation of the existing gates to the trailhead, 11- Provision of signage and road markings at intersection of entrance and R695, 12- All associated works as set out in the drawing packIdentificatorul procedurii: 49df283f-32d3-496b-aa27-723ec929ab2eTip de procedură: DeschisăProcedura este accelerată: nu2.1.1. ScopNatura contractului: LucrăriClasificarea principală (cpv): 45111000 Lucrări de demolare, de pregătire şi de degajare a şantieruluiClasificare suplimentară (cpv): 45111291 Lucrări de amenajare a terenului, 45113000