Data licitatiei 14.03.2025

au mai rămas 2 zile

Irlanda: DCC Request for Tender for the Establishment of a Single-Operator Framework Agreement for the Supply on Lease Hire with Maintenance of 3,500 kg – 4,700 kg Chassis Cab Trucks
Data licitatiei 14.03.2025
au mai rămas 2 zile
Valoare estimata : 5,000,000 EUR Tip anunt: UE ID: 9233450 Data publicarii : 06.02.2025 Tara/Judet: IR
Descriere scurta:

Irlanda: DCC Request for Tender for the Establishment of a Single-Operator Framework Agreement for the Supply on Lease Hire with Maintenance of 3,500 kg – 4,700 kg Chassis Cab Trucks

Coduri CPV:

34100000-8 - Autovehicule
34115200-8 - Autovehicule pentru transportul a mai puţin de 10 persoane
34130000-7 - Autovehicule pentru transportul de mărfuri
34131000-4 - Camionete
34134000-5 - Camioane cu platformă şi camioane basculante
34134100-6 - Camioane cu platformă
34134200-7 - Camioane basculante
34136000-9 - Furgoane
34136100-0 - Furgonete
34136200-1 - Furgoane carosate
34139100-1 - Şasiuri cu cabine
34139200-2 - Şasiuri carosate
34144000-8 - Autovehicule cu utilizare specială
34144900-7 - Vehicule electrice

Textul licitației

ent with 7 Lots for the Supply on Lease Hire with Maintenance of a range of 3,500 kg – 4,700 kg GVW Low Emission Diesel Chassis Cab Vehicles and 3,500 kg - 4,250 kg Electric Chassis Cab Vehicles. The duration of this Framework Agreement is 4 years. Contracts for Lots 1-4 (Diesel Vehicles) will be for a period of 4 years with the option to extend for 1 further year. Contracts for Lots 5-7 (Electric Vehicles) will be for a period of 5 years with the option to extend for 1 further year. Please note that Dublin City Council give no guarantee that the indicative numbers of vehicles will be procured or that the value set on the Framework and on each Lot will be spent over the life time of the Framework. For further information please refer to documentation available to download from Resource ID 489236. Please note that this project is subject to funding.Identifica

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