Data licitatiei 12.08.2024


Irlanda: ComReg T20056 Request for Tenders (RFT) for the Provision of Outdoor Mobile Coverage Mapping Program Services to ComReg
Data licitatiei 12.08.2024
Valoare estimata : 700,000 EUR Tip anunt: UE ID: 8511761 Data publicarii : 16.07.2024 Tara/Judet: IR
Descriere scurta:

Irlanda: ComReg T20056 Request for Tenders (RFT) for the Provision of Outdoor Mobile Coverage Mapping Program Services to ComReg

Coduri CPV:

64000000-6 - Servicii poştale şi de telecomunicaţii
98110000-7 - Servicii prestate de organizaţii comerciale, profesionale şi specializate

Textul licitației

ons Regulation (ComReg). In summary, the Services comprise of the provision of assistance to ComReg, if required-, in relation to the continued operation of the outdoor mobile coverage mapping programme,. and in general terms the main elements of the Services required are: • Outdoor mobile network coverage predictions and associated tasks (“outdoor coverage mapping”). For Full details and Specification Requirements and in order to complete a tender application, please refer to all Procurement Documents uploaded to this Call for Competition (CFT) published on Contract Notice on and OJEU (TED). When submitting a tender application, please follow all instructions provided by eTenders, including upload ALL tender application documents into ONE ZIP File. The proposed term for the contract is as per RFT document 1.4 and 1.5 ( initial 3 years with option of further 12 month) based on this 4 years, it is estimated that the contract may amount to €700,000, estimated on 4 years.Identificatorul procedurii: 9c2c1816-bc2c-48f3-bb1a-b68a1d9e5e18Identificator intern: ComReg T20056Tip de procedură: DeschisăProcedura este accelerată: nu2.1.1. ScopNatura contractului: ServiciiClasificarea principală (cpv): 98110000 Servic

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