Data licitatiei 07.11.2024

au mai rămas 30 zile

Irlanda: Competition under the Framework Agreement for an Economic Consultant to prepare Business Cases / Economic Appraisals as required by Infrastructure Guideline 2023
Data licitatiei 07.11.2024
au mai rămas 30 zile
Valoare estimata : 1 EUR Tip anunt: UE ID: 8829659 Data publicarii : 08.10.2024 Tara/Judet: IR
Descriere scurta:

Irlanda: Competition under the Framework Agreement for an Economic Consultant to prepare Business Cases / Economic Appraisals as required by Infrastructure Guideline 2023

Coduri CPV:

71241000-9 - Studii de fezabilitate, servicii de consultanţă, analize
71321100-5 - Servicii privind aspectele economice din sectorul construcţiilor
71530000-2 - Servicii de consultanţă în construcţii
79311410-4 - Evaluare a impactului economic

Textul licitației

Property Management Unit (PMU) operates within and according to the Infrastructure Guidelines (previously the Public Spending Codes), and is responsible, as a sponsoring agency, for conducting a range of analyses, appraisals and reports at different stages of the project lifecycle, as well as for ensuring its approach to buildings and infrastructure management, development and provision adheres to the principles and protocols contained within the Guidelines. The Infrastructure Guidelines (previously the Public Spending Codes) is a set of rules and procedures which must be followed to ensure value for money requirements for the evaluation, planning, and management of public expenditure in Ireland are upheld across the Irish public service. The Guidelines were consolidated and updated in 2023, and its scope covers the evaluation, planning and management of both the current and capital expenditure activities of public bodies. All public bodies have a duty to ensure compliance with the Guidelines, and to report on such compliance routinely as part of their normal delegated duties and responsibilities. It is DFA’s intention up to engage up to four framework members from the Framework Agreement to carry out business cases and economic appraisals in line with the Infrastructure Guidelines for a number of upcoming Department property

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