Data licitatiei 30.08.2024


Irlanda: CL3035F - RFT- Education and Training Boards - Multi Supplier Framework Agreement for the Provision of Mock Examination Papers and Correction Services to Post Primary levels
Data licitatiei 30.08.2024
Valoare estimata : 8,000,000 EUR Tip anunt: UE ID: 8576479 Data publicarii : 01.08.2024 Tara/Judet: IR
Descriere scurta:

Irlanda: CL3035F - RFT- Education and Training Boards - Multi Supplier Framework Agreement for the Provision of Mock Examination Papers and Correction Services to Post Primary levels

Coduri CPV:

80000000-4 - Servicii de învăţământ şi formare profesională
80200000-6 - Servicii de învăţământ gimnazial
80210000-9 - Servicii de învăţământ gimnazial tehnic şi profesional
80211000-6 - Servicii de învăţământ gimnazial tehnic
80212000-3 - Servicii de învăţământ gimnazial profesional

Textul licitației

ll levels of post primary education, the Contracting Authority require suppliers who can provide the following: 1.At least one mock exam paper in each of the list of levels and subjects provided in Table 1 provided in the TRD document (Note: Suppliers do not have to supply all papers, they can indicate as part of their response, which papers they will provide, in the Appendix 2 Pricing schedule.) 2. Solution papers for each exam paper required. 3. Answer booklets (Note: It would be of benefit to the students that if answer booklets are required, they would have a similar look and feel to the ones provided on the exam dates by the Dept. of Education) 4. Correction facility (if required). The mock exam papers included in Appendix 2 is an indicative list and is generated for the purpose of this tender competition. This is not an exhaustive list and does not guarantee that all items will be purchased from this tender. Other mock exam papers may be required and purchased over the next four years. 5. Submission of papers - When requested, successful Framework members will submit their mock exam electronically, and if successful, the required number of copies to be delivered in hard copy. 6. Proposed Leadtimes - It is a requirement that panel members are able to return the required papers in a two week period. 7. For corrections, if re

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