Data licitatiei 24.03.2025

au mai rămas 28 zile

Irlanda: BE3149F - RFT to Establish a Single Supplier Framework Agreement for the Supply and Delivery of Door Cylinders, Padlocks and Replacement Keys for Existing Cylinders for the University of Limerick (UL)
Data licitatiei 24.03.2025
au mai rămas 28 zile
Valoare estimata : 475,000 EUR Tip anunt: UE ID: 9290870 Data publicarii : 24.02.2025 Tara/Judet: IR
Descriere scurta:

Irlanda: BE3149F - RFT to Establish a Single Supplier Framework Agreement for the Supply and Delivery of Door Cylinders, Padlocks and Replacement Keys for Existing Cylinders for the University of Limerick (UL)

Coduri CPV:

44520000-1 - Broaşte, chei şi balamale
44521000-8 - Diverse lacăte şi broaşte
44521100-9 - Broaşte
44521110-2 - Broaşte de uşă
44521120-5 - Încuietoare electronică de securitate
44521130-8 - Încuietoare avansată de securitate
44521210-3 - Lacăte

Textul licitației

g a reputable producer of quality Master key Cylinder Suites to replace the outgoing system currently in place in the University. The existing UL Master Key System is structured as follows; 1. Two separate Master Key Suiting Systems are provided 2. System 1 is designed to meet the Master Lock Suiting System for all new buildings. Please see Figure 1: System 1 Proposed Master Key System. 3. System 2 is designed to potentially replace a legacy Master Key Suiting System that is no longer covered by a patent. Please see Figure 2: System 2 Proposed Master Key System. 4. The selected new supplier MUST be able to demonstrate a proven track record in the provision of complex master key suiting systems and demonstrate a capability to meet UL’s master key suiting requirements (Cylinders, Padlocks and Keys) for up to 20 years into the future, without changing the Master Suite. System 1: • A Mas

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