Irlanda: Agency Recruitment Services - Medical / Biomedical Scientists
Data licitatiei 10.03.2025
au mai rămas 34 zile
Valoare estimata : 1 EUR
Tip anunt:
ID: 9216664
Data publicarii :
IR |
Descriere scurta:
Irlanda: Agency Recruitment Services - Medical / Biomedical Scientists
Coduri CPV:
79600000-0 - Servicii de recrutare
85112000-7 - Servicii de asistenţă spitalicească
Textul licitației
ble pool of potential candidates from the framework members and select the most suitable resource based on review of CV(s) and, where appropriate and practical, an interview process. CHI expects a proposal(s) from the agency within five working days of a role fulfilment request. The request will be via email and will include a job specification. Urgent cases may dictate a shorter response turnaround from the agency. Successful bidders will sign a Services Contract with CHI that will apply to services drawn down during the lifetime of the multi-supplier framework. The contract will be non-committal in terms of business volume. CHI have the right to remove any framework member at any point due to non-conformance / poor performance or where consistent non-suitability has been demonstrated. In this instance, a suitably qualified lower ranking bidder may be invited on to the framework in thei