Irlanda - Wicklow: Establishment of a Single Party framework agreement for Office 365/M365 Design and Implementation Project. Initial contract: Microsoft 365 Architecture, Security, and Enablement Services Contract
Data licitatiei 14.03.2025
au mai rămas 1 zile


Valoare estimata : 1,000,000 EUR
Tip anunt:
ID: 9250702
Data publicarii :
IR |
Descriere scurta:
Irlanda - Wicklow: Establishment of a Single Party framework agreement for Office 365/M365 Design and Implementation Project. Initial contract: Microsoft 365 Architecture, Security, and Enablement Services Contract
Coduri CPV:
48000000-8 - Pachete software şi sisteme informatice
48517000-5 - Pachete software IT
72223000-4 - Servicii de analiză a cerinţelor tehnologiei informaţiilor
Textul licitației
tners to support its IT modernisation through the migration to Microsoft 365 (M365), enabling a secure, collaborative, and efficient workplace. The project focuses on developing internal capability, ensuring adoption and compliance with governance standards, and enhancing operational efficiency for approximately 700 Active Directory users. The selected service provider will assess WCC’s existing IT infrastructure, develop a phased roadmap for M365 adoption, and identify gaps in architecture, tools, security, and skills. This roadmap will incorporate robust governance, security, and compliance measures, ensuring minimal disruption during implementation while fostering sustainable operations through staff training and upskilling. The scope of services includes a comprehensive discovery and assessment phase to evaluate WCC’s current IT environment and deliver a future state architecture