Data licitatiei 17.01.2025

au mai rămas 53 zile

Irlanda - Wexford: Proposal for habitat surveys and condition assessments for three blanket bog SACs in County Galway
Data licitatiei 17.01.2025
au mai rămas 53 zile
Valoare estimata : 650,000 EUR Tip anunt: UE ID: 9007507 Data publicarii : 25.11.2024 Tara/Judet: IR
Descriere scurta:

Irlanda - Wexford: Proposal for habitat surveys and condition assessments for three blanket bog SACs in County Galway

Coduri CPV:

45112360-6 - Lucrări de reabilitare a terenului
90700000-4 - Servicii privind mediul
90710000-7 - Management de mediu
90711000-4 - Evaluare a impactului asupra mediului, alta decât cea pentru construcţii
90720000-0 - Protecţia mediului
90722000-4 - Reabilitare ecologică

Textul licitației

et bog and associated habitats in the northwest of Ireland. The project is responsible for identifying the gaps and obstacles to the full implementation of the PAF, which includes baseline habitat surveys of blanket bog and associated habitats. From 2023 to 2027, the Agri Climate Rural Environment Scheme (ACRES) Co-Operation Projects will deliver the Results Based Payments Scheme (RBPS) to all target upland sites. It is envisaged that WAN will collaborate with the ACRES co-operation project teams through the provision of support to the teams and facilitation of habitat assessment and monitoring. This request for tender seeks a suitable contractor to complete habitat mapping surveys and condition assessments of blanket bog and associated habitats within 3 SACs in County Galway (listed in Table 1 below). The contractor will initially carry out a desktop review to identify areas of blanket bog and associated habitats. These areas will be surveyed to classify and map habitats, record condition assessment plots and relevés (quadrats) at pre-defined representative locations as identified by the contractor across these sites.Identificatorul procedurii: 12180a2e-7906-47ea-b12d-1aa400e9a452Tip de procedură: DeschisăProcedura este accelerată: nu2.1.1. ScopNatura contractul

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