Irlanda - Santry: Works Contractor incl. PSCS, Designer and PSDP for the construction of 33 no. social and affordable residential apartments for older persons at Mulhalls and Dun Mhuire, Coolock Lane, Santry, Dublin 9
Data licitatiei 14.04.2025
au mai rămas 28 zile


Valoare estimata : 10,000,000 EUR
Tip anunt:
ID: 9374204
Data publicarii :
IR |
Descriere scurta:
Irlanda - Santry: Works Contractor incl. PSCS, Designer and PSDP for the construction of 33 no. social and affordable residential apartments for older persons at Mulhalls and Dun Mhuire, Coolock Lane, Santry, Dublin 9
Coduri CPV:
45000000-7 - Lucrări de construcţii
45211000-9 - Lucrări de construcţii de imobile colective şi de case individuale
45211340-4 - Lucrări de construcţii de imobile colective
Textul licitației
>Descriere: The proposed development is located on a 0.255-hectare brownfield site at Coolock Lane, Santry, Dublin 9. The project involves the demolition of two existing houses, Mulhalls and Dún Mhuire, totalling 280 sqm, along with associated outbuildings and the removal of boundary walls along the western and southern edges of the site. In their place, 33 residential apartments for Older Persons will be constructed, comprising 22 one-bedroom units and 11 two-bedroom units, with a total gross floor area of 2,200 sqm. These apartments will be accommodated within two interlinked deck-access blocks: Block A, a four-storey structure, addresses the front of the site and features brick cladding and a pitched roof with dormer windows, while Block B, positioned toward the rear, is a brick-clad three-storey volume with a combination of pitched roofing with PV panels and flat green roof