Irlanda - Newbridge: Provision of scientific, ecological and hydrological services for a Restoration Plan for Pollardstown Fen SAC, Co.Kildare, Ireland
Data licitatiei 17.02.2025
au mai rămas 33 zile
Valoare estimata : 80,000 EUR
Tip anunt:
ID: 9147349
Data publicarii :
IR |
Descriere scurta:
Irlanda - Newbridge: Provision of scientific, ecological and hydrological services for a Restoration Plan for Pollardstown Fen SAC, Co.Kildare, Ireland
Coduri CPV:
90711000-4 - Evaluare a impactului asupra mediului, alta decât cea pentru construcţii
90711400-8 - Servicii de evaluare a impactului asupra mediului (EIA), altele decât cele pentru construcţii
90711500-9 - Monitorizare de mediu, alta decât cea pentru construcţii
90712000-1 - Planificare de mediu
90713000-8 - Servicii de consultanţă în probleme de mediu
90720000-0 - Protecţia mediului
90722000-4 - Reabilitare ecologică
Textul licitației
Pollardstown Fen SAC. The contract is for 22 months from March 2025 to December 2026. Pollardstown Fen is an extended wetland complex, located close to Newbridge, within the Curragh sand and gravel aquifer, in County Kildare. Pollardstown Fen is the largest (226 hectares) calcareous spring-fed fen in Ireland. It is a Statutory Nature Reserve under the Wildlife Act 1976, is registered under the international Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, a Special Area of Conservation (SAC 000396) under the EU Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC), a ‘Groundwater Dependent Terrestrial Ecosystem’ under the EU Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) and a European Council Biogenetic Reserve. The aim of this project is to set out proposals for restoration of fen and associated habitats at Pollardstown Fen SAC (0000396), to implement measures and monitor their effectiveness. The restoration plan will identify technically feasible restoration measures for the various zones of the site including the fen habitats, Rathbride woodland, and surrounding wetland margins. It will guide restoration activities, and will document implementation details for these restoration plan measures. The restoration measures set out will enable nature conservation targets for Annex I habitats at this SAC to be met. Although the focus of the restoration plan is on fen habitats,