Irlanda - Nenagh: Ballaghveny landfill sale of void space 2024 (No 2)
Data licitatiei 09.09.2024
Valoare estimata : 0
Tip anunt:
ID: 8587046
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Descriere scurta:
Irlanda - Nenagh: Ballaghveny landfill sale of void space 2024 (No 2)
Coduri CPV:
14200000-3 - Nisip şi argilă
45112200-7 - Lucrări de decopertare a solului
45112210-0 - Lucrări de decopertare a stratului vegetal
45112340-0 - Lucrări de decontaminare a solului
90500000-2 - Servicii privind deşeurile menajere şi deşeurile
90513000-6 - Servicii de tratare şi eliminare de deşeuri menajere şi deşeuri nepericuloase
90522000-2 - Servicii privind solurile contaminate
90522200-4 - Eliminarea solurilor contaminate
90732000-7 - Servicii privind poluarea solului
Textul licitației
sposal of waste(s) at Ballaghveny landfill, on a ‘pay-and-put’ basis. TCC as Contracting Authority proposes to engage in a competitive process to establish a multi-operator framework agreement. A framework agreement constitutes a means of establishing overall terms and conditions in accordance with which, for a specified duration, individual contracts may or not be awarded. TCC will operate the landfill under licence W0078-03 from the Environmental Protection Agency. In the Schedule A.2 of the industrial emissions licence W0078-03 it allows for the acceptance of up to 49,000 tonnes per annum (t/a) of non-hazardous waste, such as municipal and commercial waste (MSW); construction and demolition (CnD) waste; stabilised waste; etc. It is initially intended that between 18,500t/a and 19,500t/a will be made available to the market to dispose of waste that is suitable for use as landfill cover material, in each of the years 2025, 2026 and 2027, on the basis of TCC’s landfill operational needs that ensures an appropriate mix of waste types for acceptance into the landfill. This competition will sell available space (i.e. tonnage) in units, of a minimum of 500t per unit per annum, with the units being pre-paid prior to the acceptance of waste into the landfill. The concessionaire will be required to pay in advance (of delivery) fo