Irlanda - Kilkenny and Carlow: KCETB invites submissions to this invitation to Tender for the supply and delivery of Hair and Beauty Therapy Course Consumables and Equipment Multi-Party Framework
Data licitatiei 03.04.2025
au mai rămas 29 zile


Valoare estimata : 800,000 EUR
Tip anunt:
ID: 9318553
Data publicarii :
IR |
Descriere scurta:
Irlanda - Kilkenny and Carlow: KCETB invites submissions to this invitation to Tender for the supply and delivery of Hair and Beauty Therapy Course Consumables and Equipment Multi-Party Framework
Coduri CPV:
18424000-7 - Mănuşi
18424300-0 - Mănuşi de unică folosinţă
33141420-0 - Mănuşi chirurgicale
33711300-0 - Produse pentru manichiură sau pentru pedichiură
33711400-1 - Produse cosmetice
33711410-4 - Beţişoare de vată
33711420-7 - Truse de machiaj
33711540-4 - Creme sau loţiuni parafarmaceutice
33711610-6 - Şampoane
33711620-9 - Piepteni
33711640-5 - Articole de toaletă
33720000-3 - Aparate de ras şi truse de manichiură sau de pedichiură
33722000-7 - Truse de manichiură sau de pedichiură
33722200-9 - Truse de pedichiură
33730000-6 - Produse de îngrijire a ochilor şi lentile corectoare
39162000-5 - Material de instruire
39712100-7 - Maşini de tuns
39712200-8 - Aparate de coafat
50421000-2 - Servicii de reparare şi de întreţinere a echipamentului medical
98320000-2 - Servicii de coafor şi de cosmetică
98321000-9 - Servicii de coafor
98321100-0 - Servicii de frizerie
98322000-6 - Servicii de cosmetică
Textul licitației
-Party Framework. This public procurement competition relates to the establishment of a Multi-Party Framework for the supply and delivery of Hair and Beauty Therapy Course Consumables and Equipment for use by students and teachers in Hair and Beauty Therapy Courses at KCETB centres. The goods which form part of this contract will be used by centres to deliver programmes for Further Education and Training Services. Kilkenny and Carlow ETB schools may also wish to drawdown on this framework on an “as needed basis” This public procurement competition will be divided into four lots (each a “Lot”) as described below. Each Lot will result in a separate contract, unless more than one lot is won by the same supplier, then contracts may be consolidated. Lot 1: Beauty Therapy Consumables Lot 2: Hairdressing and Barbering Class Materials Lot 3: Make-Up Class Materials Lot 4: Hair and Beauty