Data licitatiei 19.02.2025


Irlanda: 9091 TER Design, Supply, Integration, and Repair Services
Data licitatiei 19.02.2025
Valoare estimata : 0 Tip anunt: UE ID: 9161055 Data publicarii : 16.01.2025 Tara/Judet: IR
Descriere scurta:

Irlanda: 9091 TER Design, Supply, Integration, and Repair Services

Coduri CPV:

44110000-4 - Materiale de construcţii
44112000-8 - Diverse structuri de construcţii
44112400-2 - Acoperiş
44112410-5 - arpante de acoperiş
44112420-8 - Suporturi de acoperiş
44112430-1 - Ferme de acoperiş
44112500-3 - Materiale pentru acoperiş
44140000-3 - Produse pentru materialele de construcţii
44190000-8 - Diverse materiale de construcţii
44210000-5 - Structuri şi părţi de structuri
44211000-2 - Imobile prefabricate
44211100-3 - Construcţii modulare prefabricate
44211200-4 - Celule

Textul licitației

generally conform to BRB ‘Specification for Relocatable Equipment Buildings for SandT Use, No. BR 1615, Issue D, May 1991’, with the amendments and additions as specified in the technical specification supplied at ITT stage. There is also a requirement for the supply and installation of Retrofit Roofs for existing TER’s to further extend the functional lifespan of these installed rooms. Following the completion of the tender process, the Tenderer will be responsible for: • Construction of Telecommunications Equipment Rooms to IÉ specification • Delivery of TER’s to locations nationally at an agreed rate • Provision of ground works requirement details to support installation of TER • Delivery and Installation of Retrofit Roof’s to locations nationally at an agreed rate • Certification of all works and installations as per Standards referenced in the specification •

Pentru a vedea textul integral al licitaţiei trebuie să aveți cont și abonament.

autentificare CREARE CONT Cere Consultanta