Irlanda: 0345 Single party framework agreement for the Provision of Graphic Design (Lot 1) and Brand and Identity Development Services (Lot 2) for Pobal
Data licitatiei 09.04.2025
au mai rămas 23 zile


Valoare estimata : 350,000 EUR
Tip anunt:
ID: 9347195
Data publicarii :
IR |
Descriere scurta:
Irlanda: 0345 Single party framework agreement for the Provision of Graphic Design (Lot 1) and Brand and Identity Development Services (Lot 2) for Pobal
Coduri CPV:
79341400-0 - Servicii de campanii de publicitate
79342000-3 - Servicii de comercializare
79822500-7 - Servicii de proiectare grafică
Textul licitației
branded resources and materials including: - Design and layout of leaflets, posters, promotional banners / pop-up stands. - Design of digital and hardcopy publications and reports. - Design of infographics and social media assets. In addition, we also require graphic design support to assist with the promotion and communications of the range of programmes and schemes we administer on behalf of the Government, EU and other agencies. This includes but is not limited to resources and materials including: - Design of leaflets, posters, promotional banners / pop-up stands. - Design of digital and hardcopy publications and reports. - Design of infographics and social media assets. - Event / programme branding (signage, PowerPoint presentations, props). - Ezine and newsletter templates. Lot 2 – Brand and Identity Development Pobal seeks to establish a Framework Agreement relating to brand an