Irlanda: 24/113 Request for Tender for the Provision of Metal Fabrication Laboratory Equipment to Atlantic Technological University Donegal (In four lots)
Data licitatiei 10.01.2025


Valoare estimata : 670,000 EUR
Tip anunt:
ID: 9043047
Data publicarii :
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Descriere scurta:
Irlanda: 24/113 Request for Tender for the Provision of Metal Fabrication Laboratory Equipment to Atlantic Technological University Donegal (In four lots)
Coduri CPV:
42630000-1 - Maşini-unelte de prelucrare a metalelor
42631000-8 - Maşini-unelte de finisare a metalelor
42632000-5 - Maşini cu comandă digitală pentru prelucrarea metalelor
42633000-2 - Maşini de îndoit, de pliat, de îndreptat sau de aplatizat
42636000-3 - Prese
42636100-4 - Prese hidraulice
42637000-0 - Maşini-unelte de perforat, de alezat sau de frezat metale
42637100-1 - Maşini-unelte de perforat metale
42662000-4 - Echipament de sudare
42662100-5 - Echipament de sudare electrică
42662200-6 - Echipament de sudare neelectrică
Textul licitației
training. The requirements are categorised into the following lots: Lot 1: Metal Cutting and Forming Equipment; Lot 2: Tube and Bar Punching and Forming Equipment; Lot 3: Metal Cutting, Drilling and Finishing Equipment; Lot 4: Welding Plant and Equipment The requirement includes the provision, installation and commissioning of the equipment as well as training to ATU personnel. Costs submitted must also include for a warranty for the equipment provided. Please note that tenders will only be deemed eligible where they demonstrate that the tenderers can supply all of the items described for each lot. Full details are included in the Pricing Schedule at Section 5.2 of the TRD at Appendix 1.Identificatorul procedurii: 861f48c7-d2a2-4fa7-9430-a40c0e68603eTip de procedură: DeschisăProcedura este accelerată: nu2.1.1. ScopNatura