Irlanda: 24/003 - The Provision of Pipeline Inspection Services to Gas Networks Ireland
Data licitatiei 14.01.2025
Valoare estimata : 53,000,000 EUR
Tip anunt:
ID: 9069425
Data publicarii :
IR |
Descriere scurta:
Irlanda: 24/003 - The Provision of Pipeline Inspection Services to Gas Networks Ireland
Coduri CPV:
44161100-7 - Gazoducte
44212318-1 - Suporturi pentru conducte
71320000-7 - Servicii de concepţie tehnică
71353000-7 - Servicii de analiză la suprafaţă
71356300-1 - Servicii de suport tehnic
71520000-9 - Servicii de supraveghere a lucrărilor
71632200-9 - Servicii de testare nedistructivă
76600000-9 - Servicii de inspecţie a conductelor
90731600-6 - Monitorizare a metanului
Textul licitației
enced and competent service providers, to provide pipeline inspection services to support GNI pipeline safety management. It is expected that the successful tenderers will be required to undertake some or all of the below listed services for the networks division of GNI, covering transmission pipelines and installations, and on occasion selected distribution pipelines in the Republic of Ireland. Provision of pipeline inspectors and equipment to supervise excavation works close to GNI Transmission and Distribution pipelines and within GNI installations, provision of inspectors to carry out surveillance activities over pipeline routes as required, performing PSR (Pressure System Regulation) inspections on transmission AGI’s, provision of administration resources to manage the GNI transmission permit system, carrying out leak survey of transmission network locations, provision of qualified a non-destructive testing service and inspectors to carry out non-destructive testing, ultrasonic and MPI on pipelines and PRI’s as required for operational and reactive issues, provision of experienced management agents to manage all aspects of the GNI inspection works, carrying out surveys on transmission watercourse crossings, provision of pipeline inspectors to participate in out of hours standby rota for excavation supervision or surveil