Data licitatiei 09.08.2019


India - Maharashtra : BEI - UGC-02: Proiectarea și construcția stațiilor de metrou Budhwar Peth, Mandai și Swargate, precum și a tunelurilor conexe
Data licitatiei 09.08.2019
Valoare estimata : 0 Tip anunt: UE ID: 3836906 Data publicarii : 14.05.2019 Tara/Judet:
Descriere scurta:

India - Maharashtra : BEI - UGC-02: Proiectarea și construcția stațiilor de metrou Budhwar Peth, Mandai și Swargate, precum și a tunelurilor conexe

Coduri CPV:

45221200-4 - Lucrări de construcţii de tuneluri, puţuri şi pasaje subterane

Textul licitației

the work. Public supply contracts: nature and quantity of products supplied, where appropriate, by the supplier nomenclature reference number. Public service contracts: category and description of the service; nomenclature reference number; quantity of services bought:Public works contracts: design and construction of underground stations at Budhwar Peth, Mandai and Swargate and Associated Tunnels on the North-South Corridor of Pune Metro Rail Project.4.Date of contract award:18.2.2019 (date of issue of letter of acceptance).5.Contract award criteria:Tenderer, who meet eligibility and qualification criteria and is substantially responsive, complete and in accordance with the tender documents, and lowest evaluated price.6.Number of tenders received:

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