Data licitatiei 14.08.2024


Germania: Qualification System Marine Surveys
Data licitatiei 14.08.2024
Valoare estimata : 0 Tip anunt: UE ID: 8506186 Data publicarii : 15.07.2024 Tara/Judet: GE
Descriere scurta:

Germania: Qualification System Marine Surveys

Coduri CPV:

71351000-3 - Servicii de prospectare geologică şi geofizică şi alte tipuri de prospectare ştiinţifică
71351100-4 - Servicii de pregătire şi de analiză de carotaj
71351700-0 - Servicii de prospectare ştiinţifică
71351710-3 - Servicii de prospectare geofizică
71351730-9 - Servicii de prospectare geologică
71351900-2 - Servicii de geologie, de oceanografie şi de hidrologie
71351910-5 - Servicii de geologie
71351923-2 - Servicii de studii batimetrice
71351924-2 - Servicii de explorare submarină
71352000-0 - Servicii de prospectare subterană
71352100-1 - Servicii de seismică
71352110-4 - Servicii de analiză seismografică
71352300-3 - Servicii de înregistrare magnetometrică
71353000-7 - Servicii de analiză la suprafaţă
71353100-8 - Servicii de analiză hidrografică
71354400-8 - Servicii de hidrografie
71354500-9 - Servicii de cartografie marină
71355000-1 - Servicii de arpentaj
71355100-2 - Servicii de fotogrammetrie
71355200-3 - Servicii de arpentaj cadastral
76520000-4 - Servicii în larg (offshore)
90523100-0 - Servicii de eliminare a armelor şi a muniţiilor
90523200-1 - Servicii de dezamorsare a bombelor
90523300-2 - Servicii de dragare de mine

Textul licitației

an territorial waters): • Lot 1 – Marine Geophysical Surveys Offshore • Lot 2 – Marine Geophysical Surveys Nearshore • Lot 3 – Marine Geotechnical Surveys Offshore • Lot 4 – Marine Geotechnical Surveys Nearshore • Lot 5 – General Engineering Survey – integrated geophysical and geotechnical survey and cable tracking Offshore • Lot 6 – General Engineering Survey – integrated geophysical and geotechnical survey and cable tracking Nearshore • Lot 7 – IRM Structural Inspections • Lot 8 – UXO Offshore • Lot 9 – UXO Nearshore Applicants have to answer the questionnaire in Mercell The questionnaires give you an overview of the information and documents we need for the first part of the application process. Questions 1. “General Questions” and 2. “Health, Safety & Environment” are mandatory for all applicants. It is not necessary to apply for all lots. With regard to the individual lots, you only need to answer the questionnaires from 3. to 11. that apply to you. Even if you leave questions from 3.-11. unanswered, you can continue through the application process and submit your application. TenneT reserves the right to extend this scope of work to cover its in operation assets in Dutch, British, Norwegian and Danish waters in the future for cables wh

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